We are the Ambassadors for Christ Reconciling mankind back to God and to share the Love of God through Jesus Christ Our Savior.
Our Passion is to see Mankind saved, delivered, and fulfill God’s original plan and purpose. We Believe in The One True God; in The Lord Jesus Christ and in The Holy Spirit.
Join our community where you will be nurtured and grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and fellowship with like-minded Believers worldwide. We reach out to our local community, in helping and guiding the youths in the right direction. We are passionate about the youth! We are stronger together & you are not alone!


To see God magnified in our communities and share the Good News that is in Christ. To share the genuine Love of God in Christ; Give hope to the Hopeless. John3:16To see our cities saved and that the hearts of all be turned to Jesus in true repentance and dedication. To develop and Nurture Humanity in the Love and Knowledge of God through Christ. To Turn our youths, families, communities to Christ from the kingdom of satan – Acts26:18



Join us to promote and propagate the Kingdom of God in your local space by shopping “The Ambassador Apparel”